We all have those exercises we don’t enjoy but we feel like we need to do them.
Maybe it’s because TikTok told us it’s the best way to grow your chest, YouTube said it’s the best exercise for fat loss or your favourite influencer said it’s the only way to get huge legs.
Luckily, this isn’t the case.
There are so many exercises that can be adapted till you find one you enjoy, which is the most important part in my eyes because if you’re not fully committed to completing an exercise then you’re not going to get the full benefits.
People will say back squats are the best exercise for legs till they’re blue in the face but if you’re not performing it with intensity and intent then you won’t get the full benefits, hence adapting to another variation that suits you better and that you enjoy.
With this being said it doesn’t just apply to squats, it can apply to everything from bench press to lat pulldown to Bulgarian split squats, there will always be alternatives if you find yourself not enjoying certain movements.
We now want you to pick an exercise that deep down you don’t enjoy, but you do because you feel like you have to.
Maybe it causes you pain, you struggle with proper form or you just bloody hate it.
Send it us via Instagram (@rikfitdc) and we’ll get back to you with another variation which may suit you better and have you enjoying training.
If you feel like you need further help with this then please do not hesitate to drop us an email (info@rikfitdc.com) or DM us on IG (@rikfitdc), we’ll be more than happy to help.
We are here to BREAK THE CYCLE!
Hope you have a great day,
Ethan Allen
Head Coach
RikFit Dynamic Coaching