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Fat loss, Manchester Gym, Manchester Personal Trainer, Personal training, Personal Training Mentor, Transformation, Weight Gain, Weight Loss -

When you’re trying to achieve a goal, you will usually think about all the things you need to do in order to achieve that goal. For example, with a fitness goal you most likely will have taken the time to think about how often you’re going to train per week, what and when you’re going to eat, what time you’re going to go to bed and wake up, how much water you will drink etc… But, when it comes to actually doing all this, you struggle to stick to it or end up giving up. Why do you think that is? Why do you think you struggle so much when you had it all planned out?

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Fat loss, Manchester Gym, Manchester Personal Trainer, Personal training, Personal Training Mentor, Transformation, Weight Gain, Weight Loss -

In order for our bodies to function efficiently, there are certain things we should consider. Exercise, food, sunlight, meditation can go a long way to helping our bodies and minds run optimally. But there are specific things we can add in to our daily routines; none more so than micronutrients, which will help us a little bit more. Many vitamins and minerals can be obtained through a varied and balanced diet, yet supplementation can ensure you are receiving the correct types and amounts of important micronutrient. So here are ones to consider:

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Fat loss, Manchester Gym, Manchester Personal Trainer, Personal training, Personal Training Mentor, Transformation, Weight Gain, Weight Loss -

Transforming your physique in just 3 months is no easy task…

For some people it’s a perfectly realistic timeframe to achieve outstanding results, for others it may take a little longer (or even shorter). Either way, one thing I’ve noticed after helping hundreds of people transform in just 12 weeks (3 months) is that everyone usually has 3-5 key things they need to change or focus on in order to achieve great results.

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Fat loss, Manchester Gym, Manchester Personal Trainer, Personal training, Personal Training Mentor, Transformation, Weight Gain, Weight Loss -

Gaining size isn’t easy.

In my opinion, it considerably requires more time and effort than weight loss.

At least with aiweight/fat loss you can see results quickly with a calorie restrictive diet and healthy habits, whereas with weight gain/muscle gain, you’ll usually see minimal results even after weeks of training hard and hitting all your nutritional targets perfectly.

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Fat loss, Manchester Gym, Manchester Personal Trainer, Personal training, Personal Training Mentor, Transformation, Weight Gain, Weight Loss -



Here it is, as promised, a review of my 20-day challenge that I’ve just completed around a week ago…

In this blog I’m going to be discussing what’s, why’s & how’s of the 20-day challenge as well as reviewing the pro’s & cons.

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