Do you ever go to the gym and wonder how many reps or sets you should be doing for an exercise?
Unfortunately, there is so many different platforms online telling you to do different things that it can get a little confusing.
Well today we are going to clear up the confusion for you and hopefully give you a better understanding of what you need to do next time you’re in the gym.
The first thing we want to say is that there is not a correct number, but there are ranges that you can stay within that make most sense to get stronger or gain more muscle.
If you are looking at the STRENGTH aspect and want to move as much weight as possible with a heavy load, then the rep range you want to stay within is 5 reps or less. The main reason for this is….
Heavier loads can be moved because you do not accumulate as much fatigue (tiredness).
If we are looking at how many sets you should be performing the sweet spot is 4-5 sets, this will include your warmup sets so you can build up to your final set moving the heaviest load.
If you are looking at the HYPERTROPHY (gaining muscle) side of things, then anywhere between 6 and 15 reps hits the sweet spot. The main reason for this is…..
You can create more stimulus and accumulate the right amount of fatigue in order to damage and grow the muscle.
If we are looking at how many sets you need to perform the sweet spot for this is 2-3 reps, this includes a warmup set. As long as you are creating enough stimulus on targeted muscles from 1-2 sets you will be able to grow muscle.
So, as you can see there is no definitive answer to what the right number of reps and sets are but as long as you are staying within certain ranges you will see progression.
As always, we would love for you to go away and perform a task for us, this week what we want you to do is go away and design yourself a training session with a set amount of reps and sets.
Once you have done this, we would like you to send it over to us either via email (info@rikfitdc.com) or DM us via Instagram (@rikfitdc) and we will review it and get back to you.
Because we are the best, we are also going to let you claim a free training session log via our website you can use this to create the session. You can claim this at…..
If you feel you may need some further help with how to do this then click on the link below to book a call with us!
We are here to BREAK THE CYCLE!
Hope you have a great day,
Ben Mannion
Head Coach
RikFit Dynamic Coaching